During the opening remarks, we acknowledged the Ukraine by standing for their national anthem, and were led in singing O Canada by Nancy Hawkins, our speaker chairperson.

Approximately 200 members enjoyed Dr. Alan Shepard speak at Centennial Hall on March 10, 2022, and another 214 members so far have watched the live stream video online.

Dr. Shepard spoke about Western University (UWO) partnering with the City of London and area to have a winning future by focusing on 3 themes:  the greater impact, people/place/culture, and Western’s place in the world.  He shared many initiatives currently underway between the University and the City such as finding safe housing for women and children in need.

Our attending members were also very generous in filling several boxes with donated food, and/or giving cash donations for the London Food Bank.

And to celebrate St Paddy’s Day, coffee/tea and sweets were enjoyed by many following Dr Shepard’s talk.